CBD and Wellness, CBD Education, Inflammation Management, Natural Supplements, Sleep Support, Stress & Anxiety
CBD Isolate vs. CBD Distillate: Understanding the Key Differences
Today we outline the primary difference between CBD isolate and CBD distillate. We break down everything you need to know about the extraction process and purity profiles. Taking CBD for a wide range of ailments has been growing since 2016 when the non-psychotropic cannabinoid first appeared on the stage. Traditional health practitioners were leery at first as this was a new compound that was not well understood. Within two short years labs were able to isolate and separate the distinct cannabinoids from the hemp plant with no risk of THC which is the compound that makes you high. By 2018 pioneers were combining CBD with CBG and CBN in formulations that had yet to exist targeting pain, inflammation, sleep, and anxiety.
The Endo-Cannabinoid System: How CBD Works in the Body
CBD is a natural plant compound and is also referred to as a Cannabinoid. There are two types of Cannabinoids. The ones we make within the body referred to as Endo-Cannabinoids. Endo – means inside your body, and the ones we supplement into the body referred to as Phyto-Cannabinoids found in plants. Reference our video on the Endo-Cannabinoid System to understand that process in detail. In summary, the ECS is a system of receptors within the central and peripheral nervous system of the human body. The ECS is the control center for many neurological and physiological processes. The ECS controls Pain, Mood, Sleep, Memory, Movement, Immune Function & Sensation.
CBD Isolate: Purity and Precision in Cannabinoid Supplementation
CBD isolate is a term describing the pure form of CBD known as Cannabidiol after extraction from the raw plant material. In this case, we will be referring to Hemp-based CBD due to the lower presence of THC found in the Hemp Plant. CO2 extraction is the primary method of extracting pure CBD because the process cleanly strips away the other cannabinoids and terpenes present within the plant. What is left after extraction is a white powder at approximately 98% purity or 980mg / gram with NO THC present.
Understanding CBD Distillate and Its Multi-Cannabinoid Profile
CBD distillate is a term describing the multi-cannabinoid profile after extraction from the raw plant material. In this case, the extraction process is more complex and takes longer and leaves in other cannabinoids naturally found in the plant.
Extraction Methods for CBD Isolate and CBD Distillate
There are several extraction methods to achieve distillate so let’s summarize the main methods here.
Solvent-Based Extraction: Efficient and Multi-Step Processes
Solvent-Based Extraction uses chemical solvents to dissolve the cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant material. After extraction, the solvent is removed or cleaned away, leaving a concentrated safe plant extract. Ethanol: Highly efficient, multi-step process leaves multi-cannabinoid distillate materials and requires a three-step process to remove any leftover chemical residue while it separates the cannabinoids.
CO2 Extraction: Clean and Medical-Grade CBD Products
CO2: Supercritical CO2 extraction is a highly efficient, especially for producing clean medical-grade products with no risk of THC being left present for those who may be drug tested. Isolate-based CBD typically leaves just the one final cannabinoid in the powder rather than several cannabinoids.
Mechanical and Fractal Distillation: Chemical-Free Cannabinoid Extraction
Mechanical (or Solventless) Extraction uses physical force or temperature to extract cannabinoids without any chemical solvents. Rosin Press: Uses heat and pressure to squeeze resinous oils from the cannabis or hemp material. And lastly, there is a Fractal Distillation process: Is a heating technique used to separate compounds into different parts (fractions) based on their boiling points. In cannabis or Hemp distillation, it allows for the isolation of specific cannabinoids like CBG and CBN alone.
The Importance of THC-Free Products for Drug Testing
Some CBD products contain low amounts of THC referred to as Full Spectrum. Distillates contain no THC, or they should not contain any THC but small amounts of other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN, CBVD, CBDVa, and CBC. These are all trace cannabinoids. Be aware that…some drug testing equipment will derive false positives from distillate even with no THC present. The safest product for anyone undergoing drug testing for THC is a CBD isolate as there is virtually no chance to test positive because there is 0% THC in the material. This is why it is vital to know where your product is made, and also that it has been rigorously tested.
CBD’s Impact on the ECS: Anti-Anxiety and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Whether you are supplementing a CBD Isolate alone or a CBD distillate, they both stimulate your Bliss molecule, via augmentation of Anandamide, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain, so they both have anti-anxiety effects. Additionally, they both stimulate the ECS and do all the important things that CBD alone can do, but often a distillate may work a little better due to the multi-cannabinoid profile and the synergistic effects of many cannabinoids together.
Plant Power Supplements: Your Trusted Source for CBD Products
Plant Power Supplements has a wide range of Isolate-based CBD products as well as Distillate profiles in 3 different carrier oils depending on your needs. There is MCT oil, Grapeseed oil, and Hempseed oil. These oils are carriers and each of the three different carriers have their own benefits. You can check out our video on these oils and their benefits.